
"when it comes to personal and national development, nothing is worth human attention like developing the human mind".
Pst T Juvet Lebga
Skill Development
We may provide the needy with regular items during our visits. But what beats our hearts most is not just providing their needs. It is actually providing ways for them to fend for themselves.
This is why we are focusing much of our efforts on capacity building. With the advent of the internet, there are so many ways one can
actually earn money. However, this remains obscure in the sight of most people though it is open to All. In fact, if the was someone to often be the last to benefit from any opportunity, it will always be the poor & needy who form the vast majority of our local communities.
To that effect, we -via the help of professional- organise seminars and workshops to introduce these people to skills like;
Soap manufacturing, Building website, Photography, Forex trading, Cookery etc.
We also hire professional services to teach and professionalise already existing skills like crop and animal farming etc.
Education & Monetization
Monetization of ones' ability is an immeasurable asset. Many talented persons such as artists (painters, singers, comedians, farmers etc) lack the ability to monetize their skills.
We therefore teach and coach our trainees on Monetizing and Branding their talents/skills. We accompany exceptional once in this by setting them up a proper business structure.
There are windows of opportunities out there which come with the internet. That is KNOWLEDGE. As such, we open these people to opportunities.
Skill Employment
Based on interest and competence levels expressed, they are then given in-depth theory and training in this fields. After which we group them as partners and launch startup.
SGIF then monitor and guides the startups. Once its sustainable, its handed to the individuals. This helps to create employment especially in local communities.
We do not only focus on individuals but the communities hosting them also. One major asset that most of these institutions/communities share without knowing is LABOUR POWER. As such, we as well build and run projects which assist them in generating income.
This includes training personnel in the area of animal farming, crop cultivation etc.