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feeding the needy.

Writer: SGI FoundationSGI Foundation

30 packages of food and basic supply meant for 30 households with an average of 5 persons. We are feeding over 150 IDPs as part of #SGIF4idps.

Food/Basic Donation campaign

Our awareness campaign is paying off. In a period when Covid 19 is taking a toll on many, IDPs are not left out. In fact, they seem to be the most vulnerable as they are unable to maintain social distance nor proper hygiene in their extremely over crowded houses.

Amazingly, that seems to be the least of their problems as feeding has become even harder.

"My son, of what use is your nose mask and hand sanitizer to me when my children can barely feed? Will hunger not kill them before Corona does"?

Those were the words of an IDP mother in distress.

Mme Manaka from Bafut, tour guide from the right

Because most goodwill persons have been hit one way or the other by the economic hardship the pandemic has pushed the world into, the help these IDPs usually received now seems absent.

SGIF through its awareness campaign is rallying support to feed over 100 IDP households (500 persons) and provide them with basics.

Made possible through the collaboration with Germany based NGO, hope for Cameroon, the first batch of this distribution is done in Bonaberi and is to feed 150 IDPs.

Each pack contains food items like rice, groundnut, garri, beans, palm oil and cooking oil etc. It also contains basics like soap, buckets, detergent, sanitary pad etc. Purchasing and packaging the items was a laborious exercise but the excitement of giving hope eliminates any strain.

After bringing them to a single venue for easy distribution, the CEO and representative of Hope for Cameroon, Mr Arnold motivated them morally with words and comforted some who had lost loved ones to the crisis.

Mr Arnold representing Hope for Cameroon, Germany

Finally, we had to move to the interior parts of Bonaberi to meet with some of the shortlisted beneficiaries who couldn’t make it to the venue due to old age or ill health.

One of such case is the case of Pa Francise. An IDP from Bali Nyonga, a village in the North West. Pa had a great fall while running form flying bullets as the separatist fighters and military clashed. This dislocated his hip. Today, with many other health conditions, we could only serve him at his very residence. And yes we did.

Pa Francis from Bali

My son, this is me and al my belongings. As you see me stand in front of you, this is all I have with me. I had no chance to carry even a dress. I had to beg for a cloth at my arrival in Douala. I fled with my little grandson. My site is even fading and I can’t go to the hospital because we barely make ends meet. This old woman in her late sixties told SGIF team. She couldn’t make it to the venue, we made the venue to meet her right at her door.

SGIF meeting the need of the elderly displaced

Wherever we went, it was all the same, blessing being hipped on SGIF and PARTNERS by the elderly.


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